The Coalition fosters lifelong inclusion and independence for neurodiverse individuals and their families by promoting autism acceptance, community collaboration, youth and adult self-sufficiency, school interventions, self-advocacy, and equitable access to education, recreation, and employment opportunities.
GOAL 1. GROW AUTISM ACCEPTANCE In 2030 there is understanding and acceptance of autism across Lewis County. There is active engagement of schools, community agencies, businesses, and service groups. Educators effectively include and support students, the public affirms inclusion in all places, and businesses train and hire all people, all abilities.
2025 Action Steps * Conduct autism education and acceptance activities with schools, community groups, service clubs, and businesses. Ensure diverse geographic and cultural reach and respect. * Support Cultivating Inclusion – Lewis County program activity in school, community, and workplaces. * Assess potential of securing a physical hub for Autism Coalition activity. * Utilize our digital presence to advance our mission, autism education and acceptance.
GOAL 2. INTERVENE EARLY IN LIFE In 2030 parents know the importance of early childhood milestones and how to access screening resources when needed. Medical and service providers provide developmental screenings. There is a smooth transition from early intervention to school-age services. 2025 Action Steps * Promote early developmental and SMART (School Medical Autism Review Team) screening through active outreach to parents, medical, health, social service, and childcare providers. * Conduct outreach to promote SMART resources throughout the county. * Provide education to caregivers to alleviate misconceptions surrounding autism diagnosis. * Offer resources and training to medical providers about local resources and the importance of early screening and intervention. * Connect families with community resources and achieve self-advocacy, through the Link.
GOAL 3. SUPPORT YOUTH SUCCESS In 2030 neurodivergent children access services to strengthen independence, social skills, and peer connections. Families navigate high-quality services from early childhood into adulthood. The Link connects families to services provided by early intervention organizations, education services, and community service agencies. 2025 Action Steps * Sustain The Link to connect youth and families with LCAC and existing community program services. * Conduct Neurodivergent Summer Programs and promote participation in partner-sponsored program activities. * Promote self-advocacy and seamless transitions from elementary to middle and high school. * Maintain monthly social group that promotes peer connections.
GOAL 4. ACHIEVE TEEN AND ADULT SELF-SUFFICIENCY In 2030 neurodivergent teens and adults practice self-advocacy and access employment, higher education, and supportive resources. Businesses know the value of hiring neurodivergent workers and provide employment opportunities. Teens and adults have gained visible community presence and prominent leadership roles in the Autism Coalition. 2025 Action Steps * Increase opportunities and education involving adult diagnosis. * Sustain and grow Neurodiverse Connections to promote self-advocacy, connect to resources and create a strong social community. * Conduct outreach to employers and merchants to promote hiring of neurodiverse teens and adults (Cultivating Inclusion – Lewis County). * Promote partner and LCAC activities that achieve a smooth transition from youth to adulthood. * Sustain and grow our partnerships with Lewis County adult service providers. * Conduct Autism Coalition events that feature compensated neurodivergent leaders, trainers and speakers.