
Donate today

Make a difference with your donation

The Lewis County Autism Coalition depends on funding from a variety of sources. Individual and corporate donations are welcome to help support our programs.

The Autism Coalition set a goal of $10,000 for community fundraising in 2020 and each year beyond. This revenue will support achieving our Vision 2030 mission statement including raising autism awareness, children’s programs and family support services.  This includes our Summer Spectrum Program / Day Camps, social skills training, community outreach and our annual SW Washington Autism Conference.
Donations to the Lewis County Autism Coalition can be made online using standard credit or debit cards, or mail to: 1673 S. Market Blvd, PMB #240, Chehalis WA 98532.  Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Donate Today!

Email your ideas for fundraising or interest in volunteering to help to


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